Friday, November 2, 2012

St Jerome's Laneway Festival 2013

WHAT: St Jerome's Laneway Festival
-An annual music festival that began in Melbourne, it features unique indie bands. for hipsters, featuring hipster bands.

WHEN: Saturday, 26 January

WHERE: The Meadow at Gardens by the Bay, Singapore *YES, HERE!
-I would totally die if someone asked me to sing there. I haven't been but i hear it's amazing. got like a greenhouse and a cloud dome or something.

WHO: 14 specially chosen acts.. Here's a little intro to each of 'em, and what i think. I haven't heard some of them before so i've been youtubing their stuff hurhur. in-ter-rest-ting.

1. Alt-J: exciting new UK quartet, a group of rockers/fineart students met in school. Best known for their hit single "Tessellate", the video is a twist on Italian Renaissance painter Raphael's 'the school of Athens' with a ganstah theme and the vocals are soft and sexy. I personally like Fitzpleasure, it's soothing, gets me swaying. great guitar tones, and the riffs are really playful. 

2. Bat For Lashes: 

Natasha Khan, half Pakistani and half English is definitely one to look out for, after having writer's block, she's finally got out "The Haunted Man". A music and visual arts student, her music videos are definitely spooky, and her cooing voice and catchy tunes definitely keep you dancing. Think everyone-sobering-up-on-halloween-after-getting-high.

3. Cloud Nothings: Cleveland rocks! this american rock band is more rock, loud screaming vocals. very angst. This is for tha haters out there. This band is for you. morbid and strange videos they have. *head bang.. =S

4. Divine Fits: Post-punks to minimalist electro, this american rock band is less angsty, a lil' more raw, kinda got the tones similar to "Foster the people" but slightly more rock. Their song "would that not be nice" has nice lights in their videos. more happy, more dancey. but i'm not into their stuff..

5. Gotye : (i'm expecting the famous heart-break duet with Kimbra, Somebody that I used to know) 

This Belgium-Aussie's name is actually Wouter "Wally" De Backer. HAHA. anyway, checkout his song "eyes wide open", it's definitely catchy, and the echoes of violins are a nice touch to the rhythmic beats. "everything we had, everything we did is buried in dust" is my favourite line. plus his vocals sound so persuasive. Definitely cant miss this. (kiss)(ya know, like the Carly song, *bobs up and down)

6. Japandroids: This Canadian rock duo (I thought they'd be japanitos from the band name) definitely has a high energy level. I imagine it'd be great to watch live, and their live performances on youtube seem pretty energy popping too! I guess thats the jappy-part, the high ROCKROCKROCK-ness of it.

7. Kimbra: Checkout my review for more, but she's definitely gona put on a great show, she's got amazingly meticulous vocals. Think vintage-electrosynth. if you can't, just get you're butt down, i promise you'll be impressed.

8. Kings Of Convenience: Norwegian acoustic indie-pop duo, I really like their stuff.

I like "Manhatten Skyline" and "Cayman island". The music is softer, more sensitive, the kind you'd want to picnic to and eat icecream to. The kind that'd be perfect for you to tell a girl you love her *awww, but yah lah it's romanteek! I think they do alota soundtracks.

9. Nicolas Jaar
Born in NY, bred in Chile, this DJ's husky voice, trippy loops and dreamscape mixes are definitely gona put you in a mood for lounging, dancing in slow-mo, and enjoying the moments get whirled up by his beats. very strange.

10. Of Monsters And Men: 

This 6 piece folky Icelandic group has very atmospheric, room-filling echoes, definitely dancey, sing-along kinda songs. I'd imagine it'd be very uplifting and joyful! I like "little Talks" and "mountain sound" by them. It's set a nice mood in a cafe to drink coffee to on a nice cool afternoon. 

11. Polica: Polish for Policy, this is an American indie band from Minneapolis that uses ALOTA auto-tune. It's a peculiar, robotic yet emoted, soulful sound.

I can't decide whether I like this but I guess it's definitely different, keeps me listening. I think i'd like it without the autotune, but Channy's got a nice voice. but it reminds me of Justin Bieber's auto-tune. hmm. =S

12. Real Estate: 
This band's from Jersey, and seems like a band from the past, using guitar tones like the oldies, mixed with nice vocals that are very ambient. Makes me think of a car-wash on a hot summer day and the kind of music you'd sit in a lawn chair and sip on lemonade to. Makes me feel like its the holidays.

13. Tame Impala:
I know this one! I heard them before tons of times.This Australian band is a psychedelic rock project! I like "runaway, Houses, city clouds, It's got the most plays on my itunes, and "elephant" is one of their more popular one. Very hippie, very dreamy, very boogie in vibe, sounds old-school with REALLY good production. confusing. haha

14. Yeasayer: Psychedelic pop too! from NY! Been used on some tv shows! Theyve got a new album, "Fragrant World" which has totally bizarre beats, synced with effects of sounds, like those from nature, or from folky instrumentals. every song seems to surprise. I like their effects.

Yup so that's my brief description, I think the day's gona be super fun, especially in such an amazing place that I can't wait to visit. =D TIME PASS FASTER PLEASE, EXAMS GO AWAY!! Overall, very eclectic, indeed.

BUY TICKETS: here or sistic
Standard – $145
4 Ticket Bundle – $493
VIP – $350

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Alt-J sounds really awesome. Thnx for putting up the vid, im loving it.
